Beginning Japanese 名前: ____________________
Chapter 1 Listening Test 日付: ____________________

一、 Listen to the prompt and answer the following questions. You will hear each prompt once.

____ 1. What is said?
A. Good morning
B. Good afternoon
C. Good evening
D. Good bye

____ 2. What is said?
A. Good morning
B. Good afternoon
C. Good evening
D. Good bye

____ 3. What is said?
A. Good morning
B. Good afternoon
C. Good evening
D. Good bye

____ 4. What is said?
A. You are welcome
B. Good night
C. Thank you
D. Nice to meet you

____ 5. What is said?
A. Good morning
B. Good afternoon
C. Good evening
D. Good bye

____ 6. What is said?
A. You are welcome
B. Good night
C. Thank you
D. Nice to meet you

____ 7. What is said?
A. You are welcome
B. Good night
C. Thank you
D. Nice to meet you

____ 8. What is said?
A. I
B. You
C. Name
D. teacher

____ 9. What is said?
A. I
B. You
C. Name
D. teacher

____ 10. What is said?
A. I
B. You
C. Name
D. teacher

____ 11. What is asked?
A. What is this?
B. What is your name?
C. What time is it?
D. Where is it?

____ 12. What is the most appropriate response?
D. ありがとう ございますA R I G A T Ō G O Z A I M A S U

____ 13. When does the conversation take place?
A. in the afternoon
B. in the night
C. in the morning
D. at midnight

____ 14. What is said?
A. Please wait a moment.
B. Hello.
C. How are you?
D. What is your name?

____ 15. What is said?
A. Please get up.
B. More slowly please.
C. More quickly please.
D. Be quiet please.

____ 16. What is said?
A. Please get out your pencil.
B. Please close your book.
C. Please say it again.
D. Please sit down.

____ 17. What is said?
a. Please be quiet.
B. Please read it.
c. Please write it in Japanese.
D. Please say it in English.

____ 18. What is said?
A. Please be quiet.
B. Please open it.
C. Please close it.
D. Please get out your notebook.

____ 19. What is said?
A. Please be quiet.
B. Please open it.
C. Please close it.
D. Please lend me a pen.

____ 20. What is said?
A. May I write with a pen?
B. May I go to my locker?
C. May I use the bathroom?
D. May I get a drink of water?

二、 Listen to the prompt and answer the following questions for numbers 21- 23. You will hear the prompt twice.

____ 21. What is the person doing?
A. talking with her friend
B. greeting her sister
C. introducing herself
D. introducing her mother to her friend

____ 22. What is her name?
A. Sasaki Yoko
B. Sato Hiroko
C. Saiki Hideko
D. Sakamoto Hiromi

____ 23. How many times has she probably met the people sheʼs speaking to??
A. this the first time
B. 2
C. three.
D. many times

三、 Listen to the prompt and answer the following questions for numbers 24-

25. You will hear the prompt twice.
____ 24. This conversation takes place in
A. an airport
B. a library
C. a house
D. a classroom

____ 25. What kind of subject is taught in this class?
A. social studies
B. Japanese
C. science
D. mathematics