The Covenant of the Torch made with Abraham is the most significant among all the covenants in the Bible. Why? It's the most detailed yet condensed summary of God's divine administration for redemption that outlines the work of restoration of His godly people and holy land.
In this book, Rev. Abraham Park brings to life the Covenant of the Torch and helps us to understand—accurately, and in chronological detail—692 years of redemptive history starting from Abraham, including the great exodus, the wilderness journey and the conquest of Canaan.
Just as his best-seller
The Genesis Genealogies has helped readers to better understand the time frames and relationships in
The Book of Genesis, Rev. Park now helps us to study the books of Exodus up to Joshua carefully and to realize what those events and participants tell us regarding God's larger plan. This book offers:
- A detailed chronology of 692 years from Abraham to the Israelites' conquest of Canaan.
- The first-ever map of all 42 campsites in the wilderness.
- Color photos of the locations in the wilderness journey.
- A theologically sound method of viewing God's Word through the perspective of God's administration in the history of redemption.
- Wisdom and insight on how to overcome the spiritual "wilderness" in our lives of faith today.
Despite periods of spiritual darkness, unbelief, complaining and grumbling by the people of God as they wandered in the desert, we see God's faithfulness in fulfilling His Word and the Covenant of the Torch. And by understanding the chronological flow of the biblical events in a systematic manner, we gain a much broader and deeper grasp of God's plan of salvation.
This title is part of
The History of Redemption series which includes:
- Book 1: The Genesis Genealogies
- Book 2: The Covenant of the Torch
- Book 3: The Unquenchable Lamp of the Covenant
- Book 4: God's Profound and Mysterious Providence
- Book 5: The Promise of the Eternal Covenant
About the Author:Rev. Abraham Park May 17, 1928 - December 17, 2014
- Born in Sariwon, Korea
- B.A. in Corporate Management from Kookmin University, Korea
- M. Div. from the Presbyterian General Assembly Theological University, Korea
- Honorary D. Min. from Lael College and Graduate School, USA
- Honorary D.D. from Faith Theological Seminary, USA
- Honorary D.D. from Knox Theological Seminary, USA
- Former Moderator of the Hap-dong Conservative General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Korea
The late Rev. Abraham Park founded Pyungkang Cheil Presbyterian Church, which currently consists of 70,000 members. His great spiritual legacy continues with his nine published volumes of the History of Redemption series and the 300 churches he had established worldwide.
In the early part of his 56-year ministry, Rev. Park spent 3 1/2 years of solitude in a cave atop Mount Jiri, where he devoted day and night to the Bible and prayer. Like the fathers of the early church, Rev. Park's ministry was not founded upon his knowledge acquired from theological discipleship, but upon his life of piety and faith. His insights into the Bible, which he obtained through the powerful illumination of the Holy Spirit, were materialized into the manuscripts that would later become the book series called
God's Administration in the History of Redemption.
He attested with all his heart and soul that "the Bible is the living Word of God." As a bastion of conservative Reformed faith, he firmly taught that the Word of God is inerrant, infallible, and inspired by the Holy Spirit. Having read the Bible over 1,800 times, he is widely respected for his dedication, charisma, and unrivaled adeptness in biblical exposition.
His Bible-centered ministry reached fruition through his congregation whose lives are centered on the church and the Word of God. Their service and dedication to the church, which is the body of Christ, has left indelible impressions on many theologians and ministers from all over the world.