Thai Stories for Language Learners

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English Readings:

01 The Piglet and the Goat
02 The Rooster and the Jewel
03 The Cat and the Mice
04 The Trees and the Ax
05 The Dog and Its Reflection
06 The Farmer and the Cobra
07 The Lion and the Mouse
08 The Boy Who cried Wolf
09 The Tortoise and the Hare
10 The Frogs Who Desired a King
11 The Spirit and the Woodcutter
12 The Wind and the Sun
13 The Salt Merchant and His Donkey
14 The Frightened Rabbit
15 The Crow and the Swans
16 The Lizard and the Gold
17 The Fox and the Goat
18 The Blind Hen
19 The Rich Man and the Gold
20 The women with the horse-face
21 Krai Thong The Crocodile Hunter
22 The golden goby fish
23 The adventures of the boy in the golden conch
24 Prince Chaiya Chet
25 Princess Sano-Noi
26 The story of Phikun Thong
27 The twelve sisters
28 The Myth of Phra Ruang

Thai Readings:

1 Thai Recording-The Piglet and the Goat

2 Thai Recording-The Rooster and the Jewel

3 Thai Recroding-The Cat and the Mice

4 Thai Recroding-The Trees and the Ax

5 Thai Recording-The Dog and Its Reflection

6 Thai Recording-The Farmer and the Cobra

7 Thai Recording-The Lion and the Mouse

8 Thai Recording-The Boy Who cried Wolf

9 Thai Recording-The Tortoise and the Hare

10 Thai Recording-The Frogs Who Desired a King

11 Thai Recording-The Spirit and the Woodcutter

12 Thai Rrecording-The Wind and the Sun

13 Thai Recording-The Salt Merchant and His Donkey

14 Thai Recoring-The Frightened Rabbit

15 Thai Recording-The Crow and the Swans

16 Thai Recording-The Lizard and the Goat

17 Thai Recording-The Fox and the Goat

18 Thai Recording-The Blind Hen

19 Thai Recording-The Rich Man and the Gold

20 Thai Recording-The Horse-Faced Woman

21 Thai Recording-Krai Thong The Crocodile Hunter

22 Thai Recording-The Golden Goby Fish

23 Thai Recording-The Adventures of the Boy in the Golden Conch

24 Thai Recording-Prince Chaiya Chet 25 Thai Recording-Princess

Sano-Noi 26 Thai Recording-The Story of Phikun Thong

27 Thai Recording-The Twelve Sisters (Nang Sip Song)

28 Thai Recording-The Myth of Phra Ruang