Unit 10: Weather
Part 4: Talking About the Weather in Your Hometown

1. Hi!

2. Hello!

3. Excuse me, are you Chinese?

4. I’m Chinese-American.

5. Oh, you’re an American Chinese. So, where in the U.S. do you live?

6. On the U.S. west coast, California, not far from San Francisco.

7. What’s the climate like there?

8. Pretty nice. Winters are warmer than in Beijing, and not as dry as here; and summers are cooler than here. One could say it’s “warm in the winter and cool in the summer.”

9. Well, you’ve been in Beijing so long, by now you must be used to Beijing’s climate?

10. Yeah, when I had just come, I wasn’t very much used to it. Now it’s pretty much O.K.